Are you sneaking out on ways to check if someone blocked you on Telegram? There’s a user that can help you to find out if someone has blocked you or not. Telegram is a widely used messaging app to communicate with other users.
It is a cloud-based messaging software that emphasizes a secure exchange of data. It has numerous in-built features like video calling, VoIP, file sharing, and other features. Today, we’ll learn all about how to know if someone blocked you on Telegram or not?
Telegram was introduced for iOS and Android devices in 2013 and presently has over 500 million downloads in the Google Play Store. Telegram also provides the feature of blocking any contact and stopping notifications from them. Let’s learn about it in detail!
How to Know If Someone Blocked Me on Telegram?
Below are the following ways to get a solution on ‘how to know if someone has blocked you on Telegram‘.
No ‘last Seen’ or ‘Online Status’
No status updates will be visible to you if someone has blocked you on the telegram group link. The app has a ‘last seen’ option that you can disable or alter on your choice. When anyone blocks you, the user status will not appear. Even ‘Online Status’ will not be seen if either user blocks one other on Telegram.
No Profile Picture
The next way to figure out if you are blocked is no display of the user’s profile picture. When someone blocks you, the contact cannot access their profile detail on the message application or even the profile picture. When you can only see the initials in place of the profile picture, it means that you are blocked on Telegram.
If the contact does not see the user’s picture, change the settings and edit it according to your requirements.
Messages Not Delivered
When someone blocks you on Telegram, they cannot send you messages or receive the same. It indicates that the contact has blocked you. While searching for how to know if someone blocked you on Telegram, try to send them a message. If only a single tick appears, it means that you are blocked. If the message icon shows a double tick, it means you are not blocked on Telegram.
No Voice or Video calls
Further searching about ‘how to know if someone blocked me on telegram‘, it is again possible to find if you are blocked or not. To confirm this, contact the user through Telegram by calling them. When the call is not completed or it shows a privacy notice, you need to identify that the user has blocked you. These are simple ways through which even the beginners on the telegram channel can identify if they are blocked or not.
No ‘Account Deleted’ Notification by the Telegram Channel Team
In Telegram, when users delete any messaging accounts, even the messages and media files exchanged with the particular user get deleted. When any user deletes their own telegram account, then you can find an ‘Account Deleted’ option in the chat indicating the same. However, if no ‘Account Deleted’ option is displayed on the Telegram app, it shows that you are blocked.
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Concluding Note
Hopefully, this data offers you enough information on how to know if someone blocked you on Telegram. Check for the important signs displayed above to verify if you are blocked or not. Accessing any data of another user is not possible when they block you.
Telegram is a safe communication network adhering to strict security protocols and norms. Following them rightfully can help you take the right steps to maintain communication with other users.